
Attorneys Conklin and Salsburg Present on Professionalism

Laredo & Smith lawyers Jessica Conklin and Payal Salsburg continue to be active in the Boston Bar Association’s educational programming.  They most recently presented as panelists for the BBA’s program entitled, “Practicing with Professionalism,” which took place on February 9th. Jessica & Payal discussed important attributes of reputable attorneys and also covered how to handle the pressures of practice that challenge even the most reputable attorneys. This program also offered super networking for new admittees, with the chance to meet established members of the bar. This program took place at the BBA’s offices located at 16 Beacon Street in Boston.

Salsburg Speaks on Boston Bar’s Annual Professionalism Program

On August 10th, Payal Salsburg will present as a panelist for the annual Boston Bar Association’s “Practicing with Professionalism” seminar. She will discuss the common attributes of reputable attorneys. She will also cover how to respond to the pressures of practice that challenge even the most reputable attorneys.  This program takes place at the BBA’s offices located at 16 Beacon Street in Boston from 8:30am-5:30pm.

Payal Salsburg Teaches BBA Program, “Practicing with Professionalism” to New Lawyers

Payal Salsburg presented at a recent Boston Bar Association program entitled, “Practicing with Professionalism.” Payal co-taught the ethics portion of this all-day program, which covers a range of topics related to professionalism as a lawyer. Her co-presenter was Martin Newhouse, President and Acting General Counsel of the New England Legal Foundation.

The Supreme Judicial Court requires all new lawyers admitted to the Massachusetts bar to take a one-day, in-person course on professionalism. In the ethics section of this day-long class, Payal and Martin used hypothetical scenarios to engage the audience and highlight some of the more common ethical pitfalls when it comes to practicing law in the Commonwealth.