A “Top Down” Approach to Managing Cyber Risk

There are few ‘hotter’ topics in corporate boardrooms these days than understanding the risks from a cyber attack and the measures to thwart, or at least minimize risk of, a cyber breach.  Indeed, the consequences of a cyber breach can be severe, including loss of valuable intangible property, a drop in share price, disclosure and […]

Payal Salsburg Joins Laredo & Smith

Laredo & Smith welcomes Payal Salsburg, who joins the firm as an Associate. Payal focuses her practice in the areas of business litigation, e-discovery, corporate advice and counsel and ethics investigations. She represents corporations, small businesses and individuals in a wide array of matters including contract and other business disputes, False Claims Act litigation, government and internal […]

Jessica Conklin Quoted in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly

Jessica Conklin, co-founder of BANG (the Boston Associates’ Networking Group), was quoted in a recent Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly article about the group’s creation and early success.  Published on May 16th, the article shares the origins of the group, whose mission is to provide a platform for associates in small law firms to connect. BANG in Mass Lawyers […]

Jessica Conklin Launches Boston Associates’ Networking Group Website

Jessica L. Conklin, co-founder of the Boston Associates’ Networking Group (BANG), is proud to announce the launch of the group’s new website, www.bang-law.com. Jessica and fellow co-founder Hannah T. Joseph of Beck Reed Riden launched the site on March 8, 2016. The dynamic pair of lawyers launched BANG with the goal of bringing together associates from different […]

To Arbitrate or Not to Arbitrate– That is the Question

Arbitration – the private means of resolving a dispute – is a well- accepted and often encouraged alternative to the court system. Whether arbitration is the right choice for your business contract, however, is a more nuanced question.  As a starting point, all contracts should contain language regarding the resolution of disputes, including which state […]

Mark Smith Moderates Boston Bar Association Criminal Law Panel

Mark Smith moderated a recent Boston Bar Association panel. The CLE program was entitled ‘Cutting Edge Issues in Criminal Law’ and featured key players in state and federal criminal law in Massachusetts. Panelists covered significant developments in the criminal arena in 2015, while offering insight into anticipated issues for 2016.

Newsletter: College Students In Trouble– What Can You Do?

When young adults are away from home in a collegiate atmosphere, sometimes they get into trouble.  So, what is a parent to do? First, have a basic awareness of the rules that govern student conduct– rules that may have changed dramatically since our collegiate days.  Discuss them with your college-bound children. A school may impose an […]

Jessica Conklin Co-Founds Boston Associates’ Networking Group

We are pleased to announce that Laredo & Smith attorney, Jessica Conklin, has co-founded the Boston Associates’ Networking Group with Hannah Joseph of Beck Reed Riden. The Boston Associates’ Networking Group brings together associates from Boston-area small- and medium-sized law firms to network, collaborate and learn more about practicing law as an associate. The founders […]

Laredo & Smith Attorneys Named Super Lawyers

Laredo & Smith is pleased to announce that Marc Laredo and Mark Smith have been named 2015 Massachusetts Super Lawyers.  Attorney Matthew Kane was named to the 2015 Rising Stars list for his Business Litigation, Banking, General Litigation and Appellate work. This year’s designation marks 10 consecutive years of recognition for Marc Laredo’s Business Litigation practice.  Mark Smith is […]

Newsletter: A Reminder of the Importance of Written Agreements

A recent ruling of the Massachusetts Appeals Court, while reaching the fair and just result, serves as a cautionary tale of the importance of written agreements and a reminder of the adage that no good deed goes unpunished. Learn more about this case study:  A couple lent money to their son-in-law’s business after the son-in-law […]

Mark Smith Elected Vice President of The Boston Bar Association Council

Boston, MA, July 23, 2015 – Mark Smith, an attorney who focuses his practice in white-collar criminal defense and government investigations at Laredo & Smith, has been elected to serve as the Vice President of the BBA Council. The Council is the BBA’s governing body and as a member, Mark will act as a representative of […]

Newsletter: Court Rules Mortgage Borrowers Can’t Use “Try-Title” to Stop Foreclosure

Following a sharp increase in mortgage foreclosures, in the wake of a steep decline in the housing market, growing numbers of defaulted mortgage borrowers (typically homeowners) and their attorneys seized on the so-called “try-title statute,” G.L. c. 240, §§1-5, as a simple and low-cost way of forestalling foreclosure. Newsletter_April 2015

SJC Appoints Smith to Voir Dire Committee

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court appointed Partner Mark Smith to the Court’s Committee on Juror Voir Dire. The committee was established to examine issues relating to juror selection for Massachusetts courts and to implement procedures for allowing attorney conducted voir dire in the Superior Courts throughout Massachusetts.

Matthew Kane Joins L&S’s Business Litigation Practice as Partner

Boston, MA— Laredo & Smith, LLP has announced a new partner, Matthew A. Kane, who has joined the firm’s business litigation practice. Mr. Kane represents financial services institutions, banks, businesses and individuals in an array of disputes concerning finance, employment, construction, real estate and general business litigation.

Attorneys Laredo and Smith Named Super Lawyers

Attorneys Marc D. Smith and Marc C. Laredo were once again named to the Massachusetts Super Lawyers® list by the Thomson Reuters rating service. This designation is awarded to no more than 5% of lawyers in the state. Smith was named a Super Lawyer in “Criminal Defense: White Collar” and Laredo was listed under “Business […]

Newsletter: Healthcare Providers Still At Risk Despite Recent “Worthless Services” Ruling

While healthcare providers may have felt some relief after a recent U.S. Court of Appeals decision regarding “worthless services,” this ruling does not eliminate the risk associated with such claims. In United States ex rel. Absher, et al. v. Momence Meadows Nursing Center, Inc., 764 F. 3d 699 (7th Cir. 2014), the Court overturned a $9 million […]

Confidentiality Article Selected for “Best of” Section

The American Bar Association Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division’s magazine, GPSolo, will feature the article “Is Confidentiality Really Forever?” by Partner Marc Laredo and Anne Klinefelter, associate professor and director of the University of North Carolina law library. The article will be part of their “The Best of ABA Sections,” a compilation in […]

Newsletter: EEOC Updates Pregnancy Rules

For the first time in 30 years, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has substantially updated its rules concerning pregnancy discrimination. View Newsletter (PDF)

Boston Bar Association Names Mark Smith of Laredo & Smith as Secretary

Boston, MA—October 8, 2014–The Boston Bar Association has named Laredo & Smith, LLP Partner Mark D. Smith as secretary of the Association and its governing Council, effective for their 2014-2015 program year.

The Importance of a Written Agreement Among the Owners of a Family Business

When it comes to family, we don’t like the formality of a written agreement. Somehow, it makes everyone feel tainted, and too business-like. After all, if you can’t trust a family member, who can you trust? View Article (PDF) This article first appeared in Massachusetts Family Business, Summer 2014.

Newsletter: Maintaining Compliance With Limited Resources

The need for a company to have a strong corporate compliance program is directly related to the risk of a government enforcement action: the greater the degree of government regulation, the greater the risk and need for compliance. View Newsletter (PDF)

BBA Hosts Government Corruption & Fraud Seminar

The Boston Bar Association held its annual seminar on The FCPA, Public Corruption and Government Prosecutions on April 3, 2014. Program co-chair and moderator Mark D. Smith helped lead a panel on government trends in high profile public corruption prosecutions, trends in False Claims Act cases and the impact of recent ethics reform laws.

Newsletter: Court Requires Self-Incrimination Warning for Some Grand Jury Witnesses

The Supreme Judicial Court recently issued an important ruling concerning the rights of individuals testifying before a grand jury. In Commonwealth v. Woods, 466 Mass. 707 (2014), the court announced a prospective rule requiring self-incrimination warnings to be given to all grand jury witnesses who, at the time of their testimony are, or are likely to […]

Law Day 2014 Takes on Freedom of Speech

Attorneys from the Massachusetts Bar Association will celebrate Law Day this May by looking at our rights to freedom of speech. Lawyers and judges volunteer their time to meet with students around the state to consider questions such as: Can you criticize President Obama on Facebook? Do free speech rights extend to clothing? Partner Marc […]

Is Confidentiality Really Forever Even if the Client Dies or Ceases to Exist?

Which is the right result? Does client confidentiality live forever? What if the client is an entity rather than an individual? Should public figures be treated differently from ordinary private citizens after death? Should there be some point in time—50 or 100 years—when the right to confidentiality expires? Who will enforce the privilege once all […]