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Understanding the New Regulations Governing Title IX for Colleges and Universities

On May 6, 2020, the United States Department of Education released new regulations governing the application of Title IX, which prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational institutions. These regulations become effective on August 14, 2020. Although these regulations also govern the application of Title IX at elementary and secondary schools, this alert focuses on […]

Mark Smith Elected Chair of Massachusetts Court Management Advisory Board

Mark Smith was elected Chair of the Court Management Advisory Board. The Massachusetts Legislature formed the Court Management Advisory Board (CMAB) to assist the justices of the supreme judicial court, the chief justice of the trial court, and the court administrator on all matters of judicial reform.  The CMAB has ten members who are appointed according to categories of experience, […]

Payal Salsburg Presents in Webinar On Increasing Visibility for Newer Lawyers

Partner, Payal Salsburg, presents at a Boston Bar Association panel-style webinar on May 21st from 12-1pm to discuss ways that newer lawyers may increase their visibility in the legal community. Joining Payal in the discussion is a diverse panel of speakers including the Chair of the Board of Editors of the Boston Bar Journal, the Editor-in-Chief of Massachusetts […]

Payal Salsburg Featured in Law360 Article: “How Attorneys Are Fighting COVID-19 On The Front Lines”

Law360 featured partner, Payal Salsburg, in an article showcasing how lawyers are volunteering their time to helping others during the COVID-19 pandemic. When not practicing law, Payal is at Mass General Hospital administering to those in need during their most desperate times.  We invite you to read the full article, entitled: How Attorneys Are Fighting […]

Small Business Alert: Congress Clears Major Hurdle and Senate Reaches Agreement on Principle Terms of S.3548, “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.” Phase 3.

At 1:00 a.m this morning, Senate leader McConnell announced an agreement in the Senate on the principle terms of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or “CARES” Act, S.3548, subject to minor and technical revisions. A vote in the Senate is expected soon. Much of the relief proposed in the bill would be […]

Small Business Alert: Families First Coronavirus Response Act Phase 2

On Wednesday, March 18th,  the Senate passed a slightly revised version of H.B. 6201 and the President signed the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act” into law. The relevant revisions narrow the application of the Act’s leave provisions to exclude employees caring for any persons other than immediate family members due to COVID19 related illnesses or […]

Conklin Presents BBA Program: Representing Students in Title IX Proceedings

Jessica Conklin presented on a panel covering the special considerations of representing complainants and respondents in sexual misconduct proceedings in high school, college and university settings. The group will cover: fact gathering preparing your client for an interview or hearing handling a parallel criminal and civil matter trauma informed advocacy preserving issues for subsequent civil […]